Theatre Creatives: Pitch-Up Portsmouth with house

Calling all Theatre Creatives! Do you know about the ‘house southwest theatre network’?

House logo in blue

‘house’ is an initiative set up to support theatre venues and venue programmers based in the South East of England. It is delivered by Farnham Maltings with support from ACE and an advisory group of venue leaders, programmers and producers from across the region. 

Theatre Creatives can still benefit from house in a number of ways:

  • Through using their FREE resources listed on their website (also listed here on our Resources page)
  • List your tour-ready work on where touring productions could get picked up to tour across the house network
  • And also via their ‘Pitch-Up’ events where Companies and Theatre Creatives are invited to attend, get the opportunity to hear programmers and fellow Creatives pitch, and network with programmers and other artists. Deadline to apply for next Pitch-Up is this Friday 30th June. The event itself will be held in Portsmouth on the 18th October 2023. Click here for more details.

For more info on house, check out their website: